As each year goes by, you accumulate economic shocks, shocks to your human capital, shocks to what you own as you get older. 随着年龄增长,你不断遭受经济冲击,对人力资本的冲击,当你一天天长大,你一天天遭受冲击。
Human capital is the education, skills, and health of the workforce. 人力资本则是教育,技能和劳动力的健康。
Second, the bank must support investments in human capital, especially in health, education, and welfare. 其次,世行必须支持人力资本上的投资,尤其是医疗、教育和福利方面。
Investment in the social sectors is investment in human capital. 对社会部门投资就是对人力资本投资。
Second, I analyze the statistics of human capital and educational investment in China. 然后,对中国人力资本形成和教育投资状况进行实证分析。
But Iceland has excellent institutions and human capital, as well as sophisticated service enterprises. 但冰岛拥有优秀的机构和人力资本,以及经验丰富的服务性企业。
Human capital is the most important form of wealth for a modern nation. 对现代国家而言,人力资本是财富的最重要形式。
In addition, corporate governance and human capital both have positive effects in the efficiency of insurers. 公司治理水平和人力资本状况均对保险公司的效率有积极影响。
The research on human capital accumulation is always associated with economic growth and income inequality. 有关人力资本积累的研究,总是与经济增长和收入差距相关联。
A phenomenon of converse choice appears in China's advanced human capital market. 中国目前高级人力资本市场出现了逆向选择现象。
The property right of human capital has attributes such as exclusiveness and decomposition, and it can be transacted. 人力资本产权具有排他性、可分解性和可交易性等属性。
It gives special emphasis on the formation of human capital and concern for protecting environment. 它使保护环境的特别重视对人力资本的形成和关注。
The long-term meaning of the un-complete labor transfer lies in accumulating human capital and non-human wealth. “两栖”劳动力转移的长远意义在于为下一代的永久性转移积累人力资本和非人力财富。
Income disparity can influence human capital investment, and human capital investment can influence income disparity too. 摘要收入差距会影响到人力资本投资,同时人力资本投资也会影响到收入差距的变化。
Through the econometric analysis, the paper argue that it exists cointegration relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth. 运用计量分析方法,论证了人力资本与经济增长之间存在着长期协整关系;
Using production function incorporating human capital, this paper makes empirical investigation to the factors influencing agricultural economic growth. 本文利用包含人力资本的生产函数,对农业经济增长的影响因素进行了实证分析。
It is a key institutional initiation that human capital is encouraged and restricted in venture capital. 对人力资本实施有效的财务激励和约束是风险投资运作过程中一项关键性制度创新。
Excessive investment in education human capital in the market economy countries are universal, resulting in waste of resources. 教育人力资本投资过度在市场经济国家具有普遍性,造成了资源浪费。
State-owned enterprises to invest in human capital, the reasons for analysis and propose appropriate countermeasures and suggestions. 对国有企业人力资本投资进行,原因分析,并提出相应的对策和建议。
Human capital shortage is the bottleneck of the further development of high-tech enterprises. 人力资本短缺是高新技术企业进一步发展面临的瓶颈。
Human Resource Management is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organisation's human capital. 人力资源管理是战略和一致的方法来管理一个组织的人力资本。
The human capital is important for a nation to be developed. 摘要人力资本对国家发展非常重要。
To achieve this goal, the government focused on developing human capital for a knowledge economy. 为实现这一目标,约旦政府着力发展知识经济所需的人力资本。
Poor assets of human capital is a serious problem that affects adversely the investment returns of human capital. 人力资本中的不良资产是影响人力资本投资效益的一个重要问题。
More sophisticated accounts might introduce land, education ( human capital) and institutions ( social capital). 更复杂的诠释可能会引入土地、教育(人力资本)和制度(社会资本)等概念。
It highlighted human capital and the living environment as pivotal to its development. 它强调人力资本和生活环境是其发展之关键。
Research on the Restriction of Human Capital to Rural Economic Development in China 我国农村经济发展的人力资本约束问题研究
The Contribution of Human Capital to China's Economic Growth 我国人力资本投资对经济增长的贡献
However, credit constraints do enhance the replacement of financial capital for land capital and human capital. 但信贷约束却明显强化了创业过程中土地资本和人力资本对金融资本的替代。
The second part is about enterprise's human capital investment. 第二部分:企业人力资本投资的定性分析。